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Hey There!

I'm Chrissy and I'm pumped to meet you!

The best answer I've ever had to the "Tell me about yourself" question is that I'm an ever-evolving creature of chaos.

Probs not what you expected but that's OK!

My titles are currently Business Strategist, Coach, CEO, Founder, and so many more but those are just titles.

The real me underneath those? An always growing, changing, and evolving soul inhabiting a human body who nerds out over personal development, being authentic, building businesses, and meeting other amazing super cool people!

I am honored that I get to help other amazing women (and some cool men) create, build, and grow their businesses in a way that actually achieves their goals while enjoying the entire process.

I've been working as a coach since 2020 and before that worked in hotel revenue management and hedge fund administration. My educational background includes dual Bachelor of Science degrees in Finance and Economics and an MBA with a focus in Revenue Management. (Read: I've been deeply immersed in business, strategy, forecasting, budgeting, and analytics for 12+ years.)

I spent the first 2.5 years in business chasing success based on what everyone else told me I should want and how I should get there.

And I did achieve some success, but I also ended up resenting my business and feeling worse about myself than I had before. See, I'm not a fan of people telling me what to do.

I realized my magic is in being who I am and following my heart. Which is exactly what I get to do with my clients and community; I empower them (and you) to be yourself and to build your dreams on your terms.

Hey There!

I'm Chrissy and I'm pumped to meet you!

The best answer I've ever had to the "Tell me about yourself" question is that I'm an ever-evolving creature of chaos.

Probs not what you expected but that's OK!

My titles are currently Business Strategist, Coach, CEO, Founder, and so many more but those are just titles. 

The real me underneath those? An always growing, changing, and evolving soul inhabiting a human body who nerds out over personal development, being authentic, building businesses, and meeting other amazing super cool people!

I am honored that I get to help other amazing women (and some cool men) create, build, and grow their businesses in a way that actually achieves their goals while enjoying the entire process. 

I've been working as a coach since 2020 and before that worked in hotel revenue management and hedge fund administration. My educational background includes dual Bachelor of Science degrees in Finance and Economics and an MBA with a focus in Revenue Management. (Read: I've been deeply immersed in business, strategy, forecasting, budgeting, and analytics for 12+ years.)

I spent the first 2.5 years in business chasing success based on what everyone else told me I should want and how I should get there.

And I did achieve some success, but I also ended up resenting my business and feeling worse about myself than I had before. See, I'm not a fan of people telling me what to do.

I realized my magic is in being who I am and following my heart. Which is exactly what I get to do with my clients and community; I empower them (and you) to be yourself and to build your dreams on your terms. 

What I believe: 

Every single one of us has something unique and magical to share. You can't do that if you're copying what other people are doing.

Instead, our responsibility in this lifetime is to be ourselves and to learn how to love her (they/him).


Entrepreneurship can feel incredibly isolating, especially when you start to show up differently, do things differently, and just generally say "fuck it" to the shoulds and shouldn'ts. You don't have to do it alone; building a support system is critical to long-term, sustainable success.


Not at first. At first, bucking the norm feels really uncomfortable. But growth, power, and magic are always on the other side of comfortable.


No, your business will not always look like it does right now. Nor will the things you're curious about. And definitely not you. So stop fighting it and start using it to your advantage.


The online and spiritual spaces tend to make personal development / spiritual growth feel really freaking heavy. Like the Universe is testing you. Sure, it can feel like that, if you decide to give your power away with that mindset. Growth also gets to look like dancing, singing, and just about anything else you can think of!

Want some more details?


  • B.S. Finance, Economics
  • MBA with concentration in Hotel Revenue Management


  • CRME + CHIA (Hotel Revenue Management - cuz I've always loved growing)
  • CTA Life Coach 
  • CAPM - Project Management
  • Holy Fire Usui Level II Reiki Practitioner 
  • Somatic Embodiment & Regulation Strategies
  • Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy

What I'm adding next

More somatics work and additional coaching to keep leveling up my skills

Who knows? Possibly an Expressive Arts certification

One of my core values not listed above is that I stand by women in all ways, which is why I've worked with W Corp to become Certified to ensure everyone I work with, from clients to contractors, receives the absolute best experience. 

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